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Hi everyone! I have my first class assembly in 2 weeks and have to do this on my own with 26 reception children. I could possibly have a TA but not guaranteed. Never done assembly before let alone with reception children as am NQT so I am now having a quiet panic! :o Our topic/ theme has been pets since half term so I was wondering what on earth I could do for 15 mins? We have visited pets corner at the farm so the children have done some great writing and we could paint pictures of their favourite animal. I wanted to do a bit of acting but not sure if they could cope with that? Any ideas would be really appreciated!!!! Thank you. xD


Hi there,


Sounds as if you have a few ideas already! Having done a fair few myself, the best advice I can give is to make sure that everyone has something to do or show and keep it simple!


Showing paintings of favourite pets or the ones you saw at Pets Corner would be a good start - you don't have to worry about them forgetting what to say. What have you done so far in your topic - is there anything that you could use already? By using what you already have it saves you time in preparing and takes away some of the stress of it. Acting a story out with you narrating is a good idea but make sure you practice lots beforehand. If this is something they haven't done before them perhaps leave this until your next one and practice doing this in between. If not, how about an action rhyme they could all partake in? If there are a couple of children who are quite confident in speaking aloud and you feel that they could introduce a couple of things then use them but send the words home to practice at least the week before.


15 minutes will go quite quickly - even though it will feel like an age at the time!


Good luck!




I love doing class assemblies and you will be surprised how quick the children pick it up and learn their lines. I always write a script telling everyone what we have been doing this term and give most children 1 line to learn. They can then go down the line and say their bit. I try to include 3 songs and always paint something which they all have to hold up. Cant think of any pet songs on the top of my head at the moment but you could change the words of some. EG instead of 5 little speckled frogs have 5 little spotty dogs. Another idea is go down the line and they each have to say their favourite animal. Good Luck.


ooh thank you so much! I am dreading it so I am really trying to keep it VERY simple. Like the idea of having about 3 songs especially 5 little spotty dogs! We have made clay pet bowls so I thought we could hold those up once painted, and a bit of their writing. I was going to get them to do a bit of phonics or do you think that really is asking for trouble?

Thought I would get them to have props and say what pets need for a healthy life and also show a pictogram of their favourite pets plus put some of the photos from the trip on the IWB???? I'm just going to have a look at that website................... :oxD:(

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