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Hi all, I am sure that i have read on the site about someone taking the children on a expadition (sp) to Antartica. i am thinking of doind this tomorrow. We have an igloo that i will put at the back of the grounds and trek to find it. We could draw maps before or after, we could make a kit list of thigs we would need. We will make igloos with ices cubes? What else could we do i just can't think- oh ad we will take binoculars with us and we will look for polar animals (that i have printed out and stuck on sticks)

thanks in advace.




I think igloos are Arctic things not Antartctic, likewise polar bears. Emperor penguins are Antarctic though. I know this sounds really pedantic and hair splitting , but I know a few parents who would really enjoy pointing things like that out!


do not worry we have been learning about penguins and polar bears and you'll be happy to hear that we have learned that polar bears are arctic and penguins are Antarctica! oh well if igloos are nort pole, and i am sure they are, then they still loves it and we went back inside and looked at the antartica wether base!

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