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Hi everyone, I hope you're enjoying the snow. We're thinking of starting a topic of eggs after half term. We are currently thinking about birds and bird watching which the children seem to love and this seems to follow on well. I wondered if anyone had any ideas of things they have done about eggs?

Thank you ! Lib


Maybe you could look at things that lay eggs. And then slowly as spring comes move it to frog spawn and then finally Easter!!

Guest tinkerbell

The RSPB have a bird watch day soon and schools can do it too the website should have information and charts.If I remember correctly you can send in your observations of the day on line so if you have a whiteboard your classs could get involved.


Bird cake too is good to make for this time of year and will encourage more birds


Springwatch may have eggs hatching live on their webcam when you start your topic.


As mentioned before getting an incubator in and hatching your own eggs is amazing,thats what we will be doing ,last year we had chicks and \i think we are getting duck eggs this year can't wait.


Eggs and easter, decorating,patterns on egg shapes

Data and then graph How do you like to eat your eggs,boiled,poached,fried,scrambled......

egg and spoon race




We hatched eggs last year in our foundation class - working around the topic 'living things' it was fantastic and we kept the hatchlings until the summer holiday - built an outside run, (bird Flu hit our area and we couldn't move the birds) watched them grow used weight and measure, cooking with eggs from other hens in the coup - named chicks it was great and the children really enjoyed it - have booked eggs for this year - before Easter might be early for the chicks when they hatch - you must keep them warm and need special heat lamps etc. we have a local school farm that helps out - good luck

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