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I am trained as a PEEP practitioner and hope to start up a group for Babies after half term Is anyone else doing PEEP? Anyone got any good tips for getting started? What did you do in your first sessions? How is it going?


I've had the PEEP training, thought it was really good, used lots of ideas in practice, but can't really fit the true PEEP model into a Day Nursery situation.


Kate - PEEP = Peers Early Education Partnership.

It started in Oxford as a way of improving prospects for disadvantaged families and children ( I hadn't realised Oxford was actually quite disadvantaged in areas). It developed on the Peers Comprehensive campus (correct me, here, a bit vague) and was aimed at parents as well as children. It developed a whole series of 'Open College' qualifications around childcare initially, which parents could use as evidence they could study (ish) and opened the door to more training and better futures, while their children were receiving a bit of quality 'early years' input. The idea is that it is termly based, each session starting with parents, children and practitioners together, then parents go off to do their own (training) thing, than all come back together.


Am I right enough, there??


Sue :o


Ha ha- I have already "peeped" at the site Wolfie as once you have trained you get access to the practitioners area and extra materials. I have got all the files, DVD's etc and am ready to get going but just wanted some tips from anyone who may have already got going.




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