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Penguin Song


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I attended a music course many years ago, and learnt a song about penguins, I was asked yesterday how it goes and can I for the life of me remember - NO :o


Anyway, it starts off something like this:


Have you ever seen a penguin out to tea

take a look at me

a penguin you will see

Penguin attention ............



Thats all I can remember: Whilst singing it, you waddle around like a penguin.


Can anyone help .................. please xD

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Have you ever seen a penguin come to tea,

take a look at me, a penguin you will see


Peguins attention.. penguins begin.

Right arm.


Have you ever seen a penguin come to tea blah blah,

and then


Penguins attention, penguins begin.

Right arm left arm,


then right arm left arm, right leg


then right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg,


then Right arm, left arm, right leg left leg, nod your head.



So for Right arm, you "flap" your arm up and down, and then for your legs too.




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We had some more verses-


Right arm, left arm, right leg left leg, nod your head.

Stick out your bum (a bit naughty but the children loved it)


then Right arm, left arm, right leg left leg, nod your head, stick out your bum,

Stick out your tongue ( and than you kind of hum the tune because you have your tongues out). By this time I used to want to cry laughing! :o


We finished by singing

Penguins attention, penguins dismissed!

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