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I am part way through the knowledge & understanding sections of the above unit. Most of it has fallen into place quite nicely and this is the last section that I haven't completed of the first half of the unit :o and I am a bit puzzled.


KU2: It says "Children need to be able to explore, explain how the layout of your work setting helps to encourage children to explore their environment safely and reflects the cultures of the children attending".


The cultures bit isn't a problem, it's the other bit that I am not sure how to put into words. Our tutor has said using the floorplan of the setting explain how different areas allow children to explore them, including the outside area.


Apart from putting the obvious bits like in the home corner, there are books to read and tapes to listen to, or outside there is a sand pit and a water play area (which all seems a bit obvious to me) I am not sure what to put. Maybe I reading into it too deeply and missing the point, but if someone could point me in the right direction I would be really grateful. xD


Kind regards,




Hi Julie


If I can remember you could put things like


The tables are spaced to allow free flow between the different areas.

Shelves are easily accessable to allow the children freedom to choose an activity.

The floors are washable to allow the area to be kept clean.

Cleaning equipment, dangerous substances stored safely, out of reach etc.

Doors, windows suitable glass, gates secure to prevent escaping.

Parent contact detaild kept up to date along with records of first aid stuff etc.


That sort of stuff relates to the 'safely' bit


To encourage children to explore you might have things stored in brightly coloured boxes that are labelled with pictures to help them pick out the toys they wanted ie cars not trains.


Gone a bit brain dead now, hope this helps.




Thanks very much Sue!


That certainly has simplified things for me. I think I was delving too deep and was heading in the wrong direction.


It's funny how it now makes sense straight away and now I think it was obvious all along! :o


Thanks so much! :D



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