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How Do You Share Info With Other Settings?

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Hi all

Trying to do SEF and some points have come up hence im posting some questions!


Well so far our pre-school have done nothing about this. Just trying to get committee to alter registration docs changed to include details of other settings and its also on the intial all about me sheets we give to new starters. So at least getting the info.

Saying that we have had no other settings contact us to share info. We have our major competitor a private day nursery, and the school who we have good contacts with but im not sure they are really interested in sharing info.

Not sure how to go about it all really. The only thing i can think of is diary but im thinking lots of paperwork here.

How do you do it? Any ideas?


Try a search Marley, this has been discussed before, if not luck finding other discussions shout out and I'll have a look.



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