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Jungle Topic - Dear Zoo

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Hi everyone,


I'm an NQT and I'm being observed later on this week for the first time by my mentor. I'm starting a new topic tomorrow on Jungles - using Dear Zoo to start with. Has anyone got any really good ideas for either a PSRN or CLL lesson??? Please help!! xx


Just been sat doing my planning for next week - and i am doing the same thing SPOOKY! Here is what thought i might do through the week.


• Read the story of Dear Zoo, encouraging children to join in with the repetitive phrases. What comes next in the story? What animal do you think it is?

• Using knowledge of animals developed through reading to create a vocabulary list of words to use in own version of Dear Zoo. Brainstorming animals and descriptions of them. How could we describe this animal? What do you think this animal would be like?

• Using template on IWB create our own version of Dear Zoo story – using animals descriptions created. What can we say about this animal? Why would we not want it as a pet? Why would we want it as a pet?

• Individual versions of ‘Dear Zoo’ book on template.


Hope this helps



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