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sitting here on this lovely sunny day, trying to finish all my reports for Tuesday, when our new reception teacher is coming in to see us and she has asked for copies of them.Now, all well and good (yes, I have parents permission to share these with schools)...............but two of the children are causing me problems!! Whilst I want to be honest, one of them is a little devil, who is physically very big and winds the other children up and who has the concentration span on a gnat when he feels like it! Actually, he's very bright in many ways, but mum just doesn't listen to him so he acts up to get attention, and of course, in spite of our best efforts seems to believe he has to behave like that for us (his school induction day was a disaster apparantly....................the teacher told his mum he was a disruptive little devil..........and he CAN be, but isn't always!Imn most ways, he's quite lovely)...so, how do i word his report????????he's not going to the same school as the others, he's off to a very strict catholic school (no disrespect intended, just saying what the school is)....i am thinking of something like....whilst x can concentrate very well when he is interested, he does occasionally become very excited which leads him to interrupt, and this is an area for development when he is at school???? I don't really know....what do you think??


the other little boy is the total opposite, has only been with us a very short while, and simply likes to play with Thomas the Tank engine things, or cars, lorries etc and he likes to paint a bit too, but nothing seems to excite him (though he DID love the shaving foam in the tuff spot!!..................he isn't at all interested in trying to write his name, or nything else really, but I'd like to give him a vet positive report.......he is a lovely child, and quite shy, but so is his mum, she always seems very nervous and is just starting to open up with us....so, come on, what to say, all six areas of learning


2nd little boy:

PSE - how well he has settled. He is obviously choosing certain activities independently (trains etc). Beginning to try new activities (tuff spot). What is he like at toileting, that could be a positive. Beginning to build relationships and trust with adults?


CLL - Does he speak to adults clearly? Can he make himself understood? I can only assume he was building his gross motor development in the shaving foam. And his fine motor skills when using small worlds (trains)


MD - that is a hard one


KUW - use of different small worlds, exploring and investigating in the tuff spot.


PD - Fine and gross motor as in CLL


CD - Use of small worlds and creative movement in the shaving foam.


Not much sorry but might be of a little inspiration.


The first child I think your comments suffice, although I'd say at the end 'area for development' and leave off the 'at school' bit, as this 'behaviour' area needs to be developed in all social situations, home & school (and elsewhere) :o. Give information of his areas of aptitudes and how her prefers to explore these.


The 2nd child, as smiles has suggested, say he really enjoys Thomas the Tank and sensory exploration such as shaving foam. I personally don't think it really matters at this age if he hasn't shown an interest in writing his name, his new teacher will find ways to encourage this aspect of his development once he has settled and he/she has seen his interests in play.




thanks for that!! I'm surprised you could understand what I was saying.............i just read it through again and there are loads of typos!!! :o

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