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Charging Policy?


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I seem to be posting on here lots at the moment! i have moved local authorities to set up a CC and its all done so differently i can't really make many common links! I am just wondering if anyone charges for certain activities in the centre for example when private providers offer a service like yoga bugs etc. do you have a charging policy? It was something i was quite suprised by when i first started as i thought all activities should be free and open to all but apparenly we have to get an income so we rent out the space making sure the service fits with our ethos! Phase 2 CC seem to work very differently!! any advice or shared expieriences would be very helpful at the moment! Thank you!! :oxD


Hi - I have no experience regarding children's centres, but I do know that there have been pre-schools who have asked for private companies to come in and provide particular song time which pre-schools have charged parents for. Obviously 2 1/2 hours is free, so some parents have complained to local authorities and ofsted - this is well worth thinking about, and I always feel that if you offer these particular add ons and some parents can't not afford to send children then we are not being inclusive.


Regarding your point of creating loads of posts - isn't it wonderful we all have the opportunity on here, and replies are always really supportive :o Dot

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