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Nvq 3 304 K3p228


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I have been a lurker for a while......what a great site.....


Just wondering if someone can put me on the right track re K & U K3P228.

I am really struggling with this one.......

I have written about not working to best of ability, and how this effects confidence and self esteem, and that we all have room for improvement.

But having read and re read I wonder if I am missing the point!!!


Any help pointers gratefully received.

thanks Hils :oxD

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Can't help you I'm afraid but I'm sure someone will be along soon who can.


Just wanted to say hello and welcome to the forum. Enjoy! :o

Thanks Hils

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"Just wondering if someone can put me on the right track re K & U K3P228.

I am really struggling with this one......."



For those of us not doing the NVQ, I'm afraid you will have to give us a bit more of a clue about what the question is you want help with. :o


We're good on this site, but not that good that we can read minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"Just wondering if someone can put me on the right track re K & U K3P228.

I am really struggling with this one......."



For those of us not doing the NVQ, I'm afraid you will have to give us a bit more of a clue about what the question is you want help with. :o


We're good on this site, but not that good that we can read minds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Oooooooooops apologies.... had my head in NVQ mode and thought you all had crystal balls...te he

The question is: "The difficulties that may occur as a result of examining beliefs, values, and feelings"


thanks Hils

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Oooooooooops apologies.... had my head in NVQ mode and thought you all had crystal balls...te he

The question is: "The difficulties that may occur as a result of examining beliefs, values, and feelings"


thanks Hils


Hi Hils,


I don't know much about the standards in the new NVQ. What is this unit specifically about so that we have some context. :o

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sorry I am not helping myself am I



The section is 304 "reflect on and develop practice"


THe part is "the difficulties that may occur as a result of examining beliefs , values, and feelings.."


I find the wording hard to get my head around....


Thanks for all the replies


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sorry I am not helping myself am I



The section is 304 "reflect on and develop practice"


THe part is "the difficulties that may occur as a result of examining beliefs , values, and feelings.."


I find the wording hard to get my head around....


Thanks for all the replies



I understood it as - what problems may arise in your work if you take your own beliefs values and feelings into the workplace. so I wrote what you did and also how perhaps if you were a racist that would effect the way you interacted with some children, or you were a Christian in a non practicing setting would you be able to keep your beliefs to yourself or would you let it effect your work. Also if you if you were having a bad day and were unable to leave it outside the setting, would this have a detrimental effect on your work.


hope that helps

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Hi there,


yes, Phil's right and also there could be further problems for instance if you were Muslim and had to serve pork to the children etc.


Good luck with your studies :-)

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thanks so much for the replies......


I am enjoying doing my NVQ and am sure that the more I do it the more I will understand what they want


THanks again Hils

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