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Advice Needed Please...

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I have started another topic with this as I jumped in on someone elses thread when they were asking about playtimes - sorry!


I have been reception teacher at my current school since April 2007, where I went as an NQT covering maternity leave, I have since been made permanent though (which I'm thrilled with!). I worked as a nursery nurse for 6 years in a foundation stage unit as part of a primary school and trained to become a teacher part time for the last 5 years of this job so I have nearly 10 years experience of working within the FS. Anyway, I have worked really hard on preparations for the EYFS to make sure I am doing everything I should be doing, the school should be doing and the opportunties the children should be having. The head then offered me a TLR for foundation stage (from Sept) as our numbers are going up and we will have 2 YR classes in Sept & the other 2 teachers in the other class (job share) have NEVER taught YR in their lives (one of them being at the school for longer than I've been alive!!), so she wanted me to lead it. (She has always given me 'outstanding' whenever she has observed me and our advisor has said I'm doing a fantastic job & our head has kept saying that she wants to see my practice throughout school - which I was absolutely flattered and gobsmacked about) So I thought - great opportunity here! So I'd done loads of work for the 2 classes to make sure we are working parallel etc etc, same kinds of things happening and trying to work it as a unit. Had a conversation with the head about all my plans and she was really excited about it - great! (or so I thought!) another conversation then happened with her saying she isn't going to tell the rest of the staff about my leadership position - well I was gutted. Basically she wants me to 'suggest' different things like 'what do you think...I've tried...what about...' etc etc & letting them think they've done the work for it all. One reason she gave me (well, not really a reason just a passing comment) was that they might see me as just coming out of my NQT year and what do I know about it. I was mortified and so upset - I thought that if she had given me the TLR in the first place, she obviously thought I could do it and so should back me up regardless of what they think.


Sorry to have rambled on for ages, but have had no one to discus this with and its been happening for about a month now so has been on my mind all the time.

Any help or advice would be greatly received! :o


Hi 25RED = also replied on the other thread Dot :o




I have moved all the posts from the other thread into it's own topic (before I saw you had started this one!) so I'm going to close this topic to save further confusion. :o

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