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Would You Award This Point?

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Guest heleng


This is my first time using the FP and although I am fairly confident with whether or not children have met the ELG's I just wanted to ask people's advice about three children on the same point.


It is CLL, Writing, SS2- Uses some identifiable letters to communicate meaning.


OK, all three children have SEN. One of them only writes L for his name and only writes that when he is asked to put his name on anything he is asked to do. The only time he uses paper is with an adult. He doesn't make marks in sand, salt, foam or any other medium unless with an adult.

Child 2 is the same but he writes Fr for his name, again only using paper when with an adult. He doesn't make marks in sand, salt, foam or any other medium unless with an adult.

Child 3 writes his full name (Luke), but when he does any writing at any other time he doesn't use any letter shapes at all. He doesn't make marks in sand, salt, foam or any other medium unless with an adult.


So, just to clarify, none of them produce letters apart from when writing their name and they only write their name when directed to by an adult but they assign meaning to what they have written.


I don't think they should get it but my SM says they should.


I wouldn't give any of them that point.

We use the Bristol nursery profile. One of the schools we feed tells us if there is any doubt don't give the point. It gives an unrealistic picture of the child.




Have you loked at the examples in the profile Handbook? I think one of the examples cited says something along the lines of writes the letters or some of the letters in own name so if the child is doing this and assigning meaning to his/her marks then yes, I think I would.



I wouldn't award the point for all three. I agree if there is doubt don't award the point and with each child only writing the letters when an adult prompts them I would say it is not been achieved yet xx


I wouldn't award point either. Think your assessment should be based on 80% child initiated/20% adult led, therefore if they don't make marks independently in any way shape or form, they should'nt be awarded point!

Good luck!


from what you have said i wouldn't award the points - there is definitely something inthe profile (under the main porfile point you are observing) that gives a bit more detail about what is expected to achieve that point




The examples given in the FSP handbook


"The letters which the child produces, for example in a role-play context, may be from her/his own name. S/he assigns a meaning to what has been written. There is often no sound/symbol match at this stage.


Marcia is playing in the café and notes customers’ orders on her notepad. She tells the chef, ‘They want pizzas.’


The children use squeezy bottles to make marks on the floor in the outdoor area. They make representations of the first letters of their names and jump up and down on their letters."


I agree with Susan I would


To be honest if I waited for some of mine to initiate writing un prompted they would never achieve the scale points. So it might be an adult saying "have you put your name on your painting?" ... If they write a letter in response and say it is their name then I would be happy.


i too would award the mark from our lea moderation that would enough as along as they ascribe meaning to it.

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