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my pre-school has closed due to the fact we have moved into a new setting with new ways, new toys, new routine etc etc..

Lots of new paperwork and we are about to open in a week and we need to sort filing and paperwork.... be we both asked the question do we have to keep the old paperwork such as planning, policies, procedures etc. We are aware we need to keep the confidential stuff such as accidents, incidents etc.


We are not sure and we don't want to get rid off if we need to file for so long however, we want ot get rid off so that we can start afresh! a new beginning..


any thoughts or answer would be gratefully received....


Not sure legally, but we have kept all policies planning etc from previous preschool when we moved in 2003. I scanned it all and saved it on CD roms as we don't have a great deal of space to keep this sort of thing. Managed to get almost all of it on 6 CD roms, which isn't hard to file away!!


somewhere on this forum i have printed off a list that tells you how long paperwork has to be kept for.. i'm just not sure where it is, i'm sure someone will come along soon and add a link......



I have just found it... it's in the resource library...

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