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I am just looking at planning for next term, I have not planned for EYFS before and have a couple of questions...

Are you still going to use a topic based approach, I understand that not everyone does , but I enjoy themeing our actvities around a central topic and having themed areas.

Is there a way I can copy the development matters statements into a word document and save them so I can cut and past them into my planning? The ones on the disk are in pdf format and dont allow it?


any advice would be appreciated





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You could in theory still use topics, however under the eyfs the topics chosen must first and foremost come from the children's interests. So for instance if your doing a topic on the ocean on your children's observed interests you should be able to show what children did leading up to this topic such as a few discussing under the sea while playing with the sea creatures during water play.


I personally think its easier not to have topics and plan purely on interests and learning styles. The only adult based topics we will be using will be festivals.


Sorry cant help with the pdf, was wondering how to do that myself, i did download a pdf converter thing but didnt have a clue what to do with it.

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Guest Wolfie

Julie, if you look in the Resource Library, I think someone has already done some cutting and pasting of the Development Matters statements - you might be able to save some time! :o

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we have been using the new EYFS for the last 6 months and we have a very flexible topic base, so far it has been successful as it gives the children a starting block and lots of ideas and child initiated learning evolve this way, our topics have been growth and the ocean and we are just about to go on Safari!! i did hear from my planning adviser that some settings are using words insted of topics now, one that she had come across that week was using the word 'Enormous' as the theme for the week!

i personally believe that topics can help planning as well as giving the children ideas, we have show and tell at circle time and nearly all of the children bring in an item from home related to the topic and enjoy telling the other children and staff all about their item, this can be another time when the children initiate the ideas for planning through the items that they bring in from home.

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Thank you for replying so quickly...I have looked on the resource page and downloaded the files. What a star Helen is!!!

I will think about topics and themes...I do find that we introduce specific resources when we use topics, especially in the structured play area ...are we still supposed to have those...I know children could change that area day by day but where would I keep all the resources?? At the moment our 'beach shop' has lilos, wetsuits, flipper,nets, buckets, kites, etc etc not to mention the postcards tills and money!!!

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