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Reply From Ofsted Re:sef


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Dear Ms Berridge,




Thank you for your e-mail.




From September 2008 a childcare provider must register on the Early Years Register if they care for children aged from birth to the 31 August following their fifth birthday, unless they are exempt from registration[1]. All those on the Early Years Register must deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Ofsted will inspect providers against the requirements and guidance for the EYFS.


Under the our inspection arrangements for the Early Years Foundation Stage, childcare providers will be able to complete a Self-evaluation Form (SEF) to assess their practice which will form a part of the evidence that the inspector collects for carrying out the inspection.




Ofsted will make these SEFs available online to providers. Providers will be able to log on to the website and complete and update the form as often as they like. The most recent version submitted before the inspection will form a part of the inspection evidence.




The SEF will be part of a two phase pilot scheme and is expected to be finalised in 2008. There will be a series of briefings to local authorities in March 2008 to help them to support providers to use the new SEF.








Rachael Walsh


Customer Service Advisor


Ofsted - National Business Unit



So I guess we wait until it goes online

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Ok I had a thought, what happens if you don't have access to a computer? As you can tell I have had a similar converstation at college a few weeks ago.


I feel that my setting is lucky as I have a computer that I can get access to the OFSTED site. I will have to keep a look out!




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thanks for that Marion, it really is a shocking indictment of how this country is setting its priorities.


I'm just so glad my children attended pre school when they were allowed to play and the grownups joined in.


Claire x

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I'm sorry, but I happen to find this article in very bad taste. Using the death of a little girl as ammunition against the EYFS is sensationalist journalism at its very worst and I think it reflects more upon the journalist who wrote it than against EYFS. Shame on them. :o

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