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Poetry-using The Senses

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Posted (edited)

has anyone done this unit with a mixed reception/year one class? if so i would love to hear what you did and any ideas for poems that use the senses. hope you can help me :o

Edited by Guest

thanks they're great ideas, haha yes we could have a lot of chocolatey mess yum!


I LOVE IT Im going to use that plus the chocolate in the hand idea and watch my colleagues squirm next week!!!!! :oxD:(:(


THE MAGIC BOX, by Kit Wright

I will put in the box

the swish of a silk sari on a summer night,

fire from the nostrils of a Chinese dragon,

the tip of a tongue touching a tooth.

I will put in the box

a snowman with a rumbling belly

a sip of the bluest water from Lake Lucerene,

a leaping spark from an electric fish.

I will put into the box

three violet wishes spoken in Gujarati,

the last joke of an ancient uncle,

and the first smile of a baby.

I will put into the box

a fifth season and a black sun,

a cowboy on a broomstick

and a witch on a white horse.

My box is fashioned from ice and gold and steel,

with stars on the lid and secrets in the corners.

Its hinges are the toe joints of dinosaurs.

I shall surf in my box

on the great high-rolling breakers of the wild Atlantic,

then wash ashore on a yellow beach

the colour of the sun.



I love this poem


i love that one too marion, was just a bit scared the vocabulary is a bit to advanced for reception. although they would love the fact its about a magic box. what do you think? have you doen this one?


I think it'd be great for reception - you'd need props and stuff and to take time talking about the new words but little children just love using 'difficult' language - I suppose because they're learning new words all the time learning a word like 'sari', 'violet' or 'ancient' is no more tricky than a word like 'sphere'. Generally, though, the language used isn't overly tricky - just very vivid and intense. When I did it I made a poetry poster - you could get images from google and do a great slideshow for your smartboard or just print off images to show them. Maybe you could just do one of the 'I will put into the box' sections a day and focus on really discussing and understanding that one, each day building up to reading the next one until you've looked at the whole poem and understand it all. It really is a great poem for follow up work - we made magic boxes before we decided what we were going to put in them and the model poem led to some really great poetry by the children. Give it a go! :o




There was a young hamster called Nelly

Whose whiskers were sticky and smelly

This is not if you please

Some strange new disease

But an extraordinary likely for jelly!



Simple rhyming words

Why were her whiskers sticky and smelly

What do you like to eat

Poems about strange foods you like

What should hamsters really like

What does jelly taste like, feel like, which flavour is your favourite


I usually do this with Don't put your Finger in the Jelly Nelly by Nick Sharrat who does some other good food ones

  • 1 month later...

god im soooooo glad i found this forum excellent ideas ive a mixed rec/yr 1 and have been wondering how to link poetry with sesnes -another part of my planning sorted for sept yeah more time to spend chillin on hol

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