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Early Years Policy


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I am the nursery teacher in a Foundation Stage Unit that's part of a pirmary school. I have been asked to update our Early years policy and was wondering whether you very helpful people out there could tell me what sort of things you cover in yours or even better whether you could share some examples???


Any help would be very gratefully recieved!!!!






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Guest Wolfie

I've never written one, but having been on some EYFS training today, I would include an evaluation of how as a setting you adhere to the four principles of the EYFS in your practice.

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Guest Wolfie

Found it but couldn't afford to buy it - need to find out which of my siblings has it in their collection...... :o

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Would you organise the whole policy under the four EYFS headings? or go even further and comment on each of the 16 statements?

Thanks for your help so far


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I haven't written an EY or EYFS policy, but if I had to, I'd probably include the following:

* A definition of what EY means in my setting, ie the vision statement stuff

* organisation: rooms, layout, basic daily structure

*admission information

* long term aims (maybe linked to those 16 statements?)

* the centrality of play

*learning and teaching approaches, learning styles, child-initiated, adult-directed, etc

*partnerships with parents

*links to outside agencies



*observation, assessments, recording and sharing information on children's progress

*self-evaluation and continuing monitoring of provision to ensure improvement

*staff information and CPD



I'm sure other people will add more to this! :o

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