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Multi-cultural Day

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Hello Everyone,

I am the new PSHE co-ordinator at my primary school. We have a partner school in Uganda who are trying to build new classrooms for the children so we are going to hold a non-uniform day to try and raise some money to help.

The School Council and I thought it might be nice to make the day a multi-cultural day where the children in school can come dressed in their own everyday clothes or in their traditional dress.


I was wondering if anyone had any really good ideas about what type of activities we could do during the day to make it more fun for the children. Do you think it would be a good idea to give each class a theme/country/religion to look at so that everything can be focused that way?


We are also entering 'Show Racism the Red Card competition' so we are going to tie that into the day too.


I'd be really grateful for any help or ideas you may have.

Many thanks

Boogie xx


Hi - my daughters school did this a couple of years ago and was really wonderful as there were many cultures in the school. Each child dressed up in either their culture of found out about another and dressed up in their's and parents from various cultures came in to school and carried out a cooking activity, or an activity common in their culture. Not only did the parents participate but they dressed up in their cultural clothes as well. Before the end of the school day, all the parents and children met in the playground and each particular group read a poem, rhyme, danced or sang a song they had learnt that day. It was brilliant !!


If I remember correctly out of around 13 classes each class became a country and the children chose two/three countries to visit in the day, so they learnt about various cultures not just one.


It was a really wonderful and worthwhile experience. With our heritage being Ireland I created a lovely Irish dancing dress for my daughter - Oh those were the days, now she is a teenager life not the same..................


Have a great time organising. :oxD Dot


Thank you so much to both of you for your fantastic ideas. I will suggest them at the staff meeting on Monday and see what the other teachers think. Maybe we could display any work that the children have produced in the classrooms and invite parents in to view it.


I'll set to work organising it.

Boogie xx


In our church we have a display of flags from countries that we have connections with, and there are quite a few. It looks fantastic and visitors from those countries say they feel a bit overwhelmed. Could you do something like that? Even if on a smaller scale? It's a quick way to create a visual focus.

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