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I wonder is anyone can help. I have wrote lots on self identity but now i have to plan an activity for language dvelopment for 2 children with language delay. They are both 4 years old but are about a yr to 18months behind with their language. My problem is what activity to plan. I have tried setting up the homecorner as a shop and a fire station but neither got provoked.... they didn't come near it!!!!!! really struggling to find something i can use as a learning story that i can evaluate afterwards... my mind is just a blank.... everything i try they don't particapate in......Has anyone got some inspiration... i desperately running out of time as it is due in in 2 weeks.....


Could you observe first and then plan i.e. find what interests them and then plan how you can extend it to bring new and exciting language opportunities to them. Also how can it involve other children so you are creating a rich social situation.


I have watched them today... one just wondered around blowing through a straw making noises and playing on the climbing frame for ages and the other flits, she flitted between every activity spending less than a minute at each... each activity she just stood and watched the others.... they don't seem to have any interest. I completed a tracking observation to see where they went from 9am till 10am and they never really settled anywhere.... i'm thinking i may need to do something over a circle time when there is less distraction.....


yes they have which is the visual timetable, using their cards in different games like fishing game, picking out a card and saying what it is and modeling language including use of verbs....

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