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The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Any Ideas Please?

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Can anyone help. I've left my planning to last minute as had a hectic weekend and now stuck for ideas for child initated activities linking to The Very Hungry Caterpillar - days of the week, symmetry and time for this week. I also plan to include Rosies Walk perhaps, our topic is Ourselves and I'm focusing on position, time and days this week. Healthy eating will be another week, as the Hungry caterpillar will link in very well with that mini theme too!!! I have searched the forum posts and can not find a thread with any activities linking to the Hungry Caterpillar. I apologize if there is one and can anyone point me in the right direction?


Many thanks to anyone who can help!




Hi Cat,


If I remember rightly Sparklebox has some resources for the very hungry caterpillar too. Might be worth a look!


Many thanks for all your help.

I have so many ideas now, I think The Hungry Caterpillar will spill over two weeks if not three!!!!!!

The web sites are incredible useful and provide alot of ideas for activities.


If anyone wants, I'll attach my planning at the end of the week.




That would be interesting to see Cat


Thank you



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