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Changes To Weekly Structure/timetable

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I am in the process of changing my daily/weekly structure/planned activities. I was finding that I never had any time to sit back and watch my children, do observations, and enjoy teaching them. there was always something I hadn't done or a group i hadn't managed to work with.

So as of tomorrow I am doing a phonics session (20 mins) followed by dedicated guided reading time (I found I never had enough time to hear each group over the week!) everyday. Thats after morning play. Before morning play- on 3 days a have a good chunk of time to devote to either literacy or numeracy. On the other days I have an ICT slot and a PE slot. One afternoon I have another PE slot, leaving the other 4 afternoons to do other literacy/numeracy/KUW/creative/Physical/PSE activities although I often have 2 running at the same time. I hope to dedicate one afternoon to observations.

I was running myself ragged trying to fit everything in and I feel much happier now I have stopped and thought about where my priorities lie for the children in my class.


So- do you think that sounds ok? How do other people plan their week? It's ok not to do proper literacy and numeracy everyday isn't it??


After all I will be doing phonics daily as it's made a real impact on my class and have set aside time for reading which I feel are more important at this point. After all the 6 areas of learning are suppose to be equal (Ok I know I still have a bias for literacy!!)


I just need some reassurance that the changes I've made sound sensible.


Thanks. Bethie xx


Sounds good to me Bethie. Hope your school will run with it too.


Dont be afraid to tweak again if you feel you still need to.

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