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Happy new year to you all!

Just wondering if anyone has ever run a maths workshop in reception?

I've got to do one as part of my performance management and am thinking of ways to present it to the parents. I have the actual workshop sorted, its about improving calculating skills as thats our whole school issue, but am not sure how to present it in 'parent speak'?? Any ideas would be gladly received!

Thanks Catherine xxx


last time i did a maths workshop it was run with both parents and children involved and i organised it that parent and child had ten different maths activities to complete throughout the night, one activity even involved snack time calculating how many biscuits were allowed if each parent/child were allowed two etc I tried to show how in all aspects of every day life we used calculating and we didnt use pencls and paper except to record we had finished the activity, we tried to emphasise the importannce of working mentally and practically at the end , all received a number whizz certificate and a clay number tile we had made previously i didn't need to worry too much about "parent speak" as the workshop explained itself i also made sure i used a lot of simple dice games which i then sent home as a home/school pack. It sounds like you have it alsorted, have faith in what you are trying to get across and it will naturally be recived by parents. Good luck.

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