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Stakeholders & Customers

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Hi, can anyone help me on this one?

I'm doing a course at the moment and part of our assignment is to define what stakeholders and customers are seperately.

Getting rather confused as some of them seem to cross over.

Is it mainly parents and children as the customers and the stakeholders are people who are less involved, but have an interest in your setting such as suppliers, banks, Ofsted etc

Help! Need info a.s.a.p


Sorry not introduced myself yet, will try and do when less stressed.




hiya :(

sorry prob not much help but I would say people who had an iterest in your setting such as committees,parents,children,government, employers etc were stakeholders as it is in their best interest that the pre-school does well,the children and parents are the customers xD no wonder your confused im sure someone will come along shortly and make it clearer dont worry :o



Thanks Andrea


Been scouring through a couple of books and internet which has made it a bit clearer, but not much mentions about the customers though. Think what you said must be right.


Will be glad when my assignments finally handed in.



Guest Wolfie

Don't forget to introduce yourself when you have a spare mintue Debs - and welcome from me anyway! :o

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