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Help Needed With Planning

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Hi all, I'm new to the forum after a long absence and I am looking for a little help with planning. At current i am a reception class teacher in a single entry Catholic primary school. There is only myself who is foundation stage trained and i am the only FS teacher. What I am looking for is examples of weekly planning and ideas on organising my day. At present I am workng on topics that I have devised as there was no planning left by the previous teacher (although my topics sometimes go off on a tangent due to children's interests). I am also struggling (like so many) with getting the daily balance right between child initiated and adult led activities. This is largely due to the 'top down' pressure from other teachers and co-ordinators and the fact that my full time TA has a big issue with allowing children to 'just choose'. she doesn't see the value in that type of learning. So much to ask for i Know but any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :o


Hello Philk and welcome back to the forum!


If you do a forum search for planning it will come up with all sorts of ideas that you can tailor to your needs.


Hate to say this but your TA might need some re-training in FS with particular emphasis on the new EYFS which becomes statutory in September 2008.


I'm sure there'll be others along with more ideas soon.



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