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Question For Apple

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:o Hi apple - i was just looking through some of the recent posts and noticed that yu had recently posdted some info regarding the new assessment programme for nursery from Birmingham LEA. Don't know if you saw my post this weekend relating to carrying out the assessments but will try & attach it & would be grateful for your advice.

Many thanks in anticipation


Oooopppps - forgot to add it to that last post - here it is now!!!



My question is - when i am entering my judgements (highlighting on the A$ sheet that was provided with the materials) (Not recieved an electronic version yet??), if i judge that a child has achieved say a 1 and an a/d scale - do i hioghlight all of these for the autumn term ????


Sorry if this seems like a bit of a stupid question but before i go & mess it all up i just need some reassurance that my understanding is right!! (God am i ready for a break!!!!)

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