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Winter Display Ideas!

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Could anyone share any ideas for Christmas/ Winter display which have been done by the children. They need to be simple as I'm working with 2 - 4 year olds.

I thought about a winter Jackson Polloct type thing using a large canvas and them 'magiced' into fir trees, angels !!

Would love some inspiration


Sunshine :o


Does anyone wish to share ideas for simple child involved display ideas for children age 2- 4?

I thought about a Jackson Polllock idea of using a large canvas and really having fun with seasonal coluors and spices.

Would anyone like to share thre's??



Have you looked in the gallery?


Sparklebox also has some nice photos of different things that have been made with his resources.


that's a lovely idea, though i'd be cautious with the spices, which can cause itches and sneezes!

we have an Autumn display at the moment, which was made using a large chunk of crab-apple tree which was being chopped down in a field next to us, and which the children watched being cut.We asked nicely and the nice gentleman gave us a piece which we just about managed to cart back with us.We talked about some of the bugs and insects etc, which we'd seen previously hiding under logs etc and the children started to look for some of our plastic mini-beasts, which they have placed on/under/around the lump of tree.they have been adding things to it for some days now............some things stem from stories (bears in woods led to our little bears being added) the Gruffalo.............well, he's sitting in a hollow of the log......and a snake, and a fox.........................well, you see where this is going??so, we have leaves, twigs anything which the children have wanted to add to the pile, and it looks great.Lots of talk, lots of trying to count the rings to work out how old it is (I had one tiddler ask if we had rings in us!! I said if I had rings, no-one would be able to count to that high a number, so one little wag said ' yes, there's infinity you know'!!! He'll go a long way!!!!!!!!


Doing something similair for our African art theme.Large brown canvas with lime green-bright yellow-orange and white paint.We are painting with sticks making dots, lines and waves.Then we are going to stick our sticks and conkers that have been in sand and outdoor play for the passed 2 weeks.

We've spent 2 weeks on 'sticks' coming from singing 'one, two buckle my shoe' laying then straight, making bonfires laying trails so its a nice way to round it off by making a work of art.


Looked ingallery but they all seen ver aldult led!


Can we continue to share the winter ideas from last week?

I'm going to cut out some large silver trees and bells, then get the children to use coloured baby lotion with a spot of PVA, paint, glitter and conifer tree 'bits' to decorate and hang from the ceiling!

Could you please share your ideas?

Just thought about cutting out a circle from each shape and adding a child's photo as a :o 'bauble'.



Guest tinkerbell

Snowmen is always a good one ,I did it last year so wont be doing it again.

Start by showing the children christmas cards and pictures of snowmen(remembering they may never have seen one!)perhaps watch the movie

A3 grey sugar paper let them paint the snowman/woman in thick white paint.

Let them dry,then cut out (you or them if in R/yr1)

Then personalise them,cut out hats ,scarves ,coal black eyes and buttons.twig arms ,Children can put spots ,stripes of ccolour,flowers whatever on these.

For the display ,this makes two if you want one for the class and one for the Hall (say)pale blue sky,white bottom wavy top end covered in that shiny transclucent film ,I used a pink for the hall and blue in the class room.Sit the snowmen ina jaunty line along the snow.

For the classroom the children made up questions eg Which snowman has a red bobble hat? Which is the fattest ? etc The snowmen were numbered 1-10 .

One of the boys put a doily across the tummy of his snowman and called it a snow woman ,we had watched the movie the snowman.

I will try send the photo tomorrow when I am in school.


Penguins will be my display this winter.Similar kind of starting point ,really inundate the children with lots of stimuli the let them make their own penguin.We will cover boxes and bubble wrap some to make a 3D background in the hall for the penguins to sit on.


Chicken wire weaving.

We have made fire trees in the past, cut out three triangles (or however many)big to fit display boards. cover the edges in carpet tape so children dont cut themaselves, then get as many greens as you and theycan find,wool,crepe paper strips,Marks and sparks bags cut in strips,tinsel etc get the children to weave across or down the wire with their threads until it is all filled up...great activity when singing christmas songs.

Bend the edges in ahd staple in place on the board. I did three one being all white and silverand tucked a battery operated twinkly light set inside poking the lights through the mesh.I would put my hand up inside and turn it on when needed.


A colleague is using the chicken wire idea to make snowmwn this year and modrocing them...should be fun!




Great idea! My youngest chilodren are only 6 months. Any very young ideas!! :o

Guest tinkerbell

Bun cases white ones, you make the snowman shape(big) and the children glue it then they stick the cases on.Then paint on the black eyes and buttons (in the cases) make a crepe paper scarf and hat.


Same idea you make the big shape and the children stick on cotton wool balls..


I will think of some more sunshine....for younger children.




Last year did a display bottom cut out silohette roof tops,treesperhaps church tower.then have envelopes flying into the sky with childs name on front (child does this if capable,) envelope flap is open and childs wish for the world is flying out......in far corner small globe...perhaps silohette of santa and reindeer tracking across the sky.Envelope could have photo of child on front ,you could scribe their idea.........my reception children last year were really brilliant ,we had done the operation christmas child and they were clued up ,but without prompting they came out with

I wish all children had some food

I wish there wer no more war

I wish we all did more recycling

I wish all children had a mummy and daddy

at the end of our circle time I was nearly in tears...




Tinkerbell Thanks for your ideas , look forward to seeing the photos :o

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