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Brain Development


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I have to write an essay on how children learn, i was going to start by talking about how the brain develops then go into theroies/schema's etc, i'm not sure if this is the right angle to go in at now, i have been at this all day - can anyone recommend a book about brain development which is easy reading.... As i'm just not sure where to begin.... It's due in next week so i really must get a move on......

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found this with a google search, do you have to read books or can you write your essay from internet research, seeing as you only have a week?




Looks quite good and a bibliography for further reading.


Me personally I like the classics, Piaget, Donaldson, Wood, Vygotsky, and recent years Tina Bruce, etc


Good luck,



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Practical Preschool published a book called 'How Children Learn' all about theorists - that should be quite easy reading. I have got an Open University book called 'How Children Think and Learn' by David Wood which is good and also 'Childrens Minds' by Margaret Donaldson which I only ever got half way through!

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There is a book called "Developing Learning in Early Childhood" by Tina Bruce. It has a whole chapter on Mind and Brain development and loads of other stuff too. You can see a limited preview on google books.


I have to say though, I usually really love Tina Bruce books but this one has neven really grabbed me.


Hope it helps you though - good luck with the studying :o

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