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Rhymes Advice

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Just wanted others' opinions on something that's been at the back of my mind for a while:

with developing children's awareness of rhyme in mind, is it better for them to hear rhymes as spoken/does putting it to a tune help or hinder? My context is preschool by the way.


Ive think spoken is best, if they can identify rhyme I dont think a tune will make any difference!


I could be wrong though?


Well I think that was my view too, but I was also wondering whether the tune might actually interfere with them hearing the rhyme in some cases. A case in point: the room leader introduces a new rhyme, the next day a colleague says she knows a tune to it & from then on they sing it because room leader isn't sure whether or not it matters. I'm probably going in to it too deeply - I have a tendency to do that - but my gut feeling is that there ought to be some kind of distinction.


I think you need to isolate what the learning is for then weightman.


If the LO is to identify rhyming words, forget the tune.


If you are increasing your repertoire of songs and rhymes, sing and enjoy!


Yes, put like that it's very simple, Susan! Definitely the rhyme so I will curb one team member's enthusiasm for singing in every context! Thanks, that has clarified my 'gut feeling'!

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