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Writing Outdoors

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Can anyone help with ideas about how to set up writing opportunities outdoors? I'm afraid I haven't managed to do this yet. We have 2 picnic benches just outside the classroom door but we can not really leave the door open, firstly for fire safety reasons and secondly it is now too cold. The recent discussion on twig pencils started me thinking about rustic ideas. Courses I have been on suggest a wheelable writing trolley, but on a rustic theme, maybe wicker baskets would be good?


[Hi Marion, that is just what we have outside, a wheelable tray unit with pencils, large chalks clipbpards, felt tip pens, crayons etc. We find the clipboards in-valuable because the chidren dont need a table! We also find the chunky chalks of great use too.

Because everything in the writing area is avaliable, our role play is enhanced we might have an open air cafe or a garage for budding mechanics etc. Have you tried gloop (cornflour mixed with water in a tuff spot) great for mark making without the need for any pencils, sticks in mud also great. Large paintbrushes with water etc pom poms for air writing! Hope this helps Lisa


Clipboards are great particularly popular with the boys.


I would love to buy some to use in my current school but havent found any cheap ones. Any ideas?


Could you tell us a bit more Marion? Can't quite see enough! (Its my age, or the red wine I had with supper!)


Writing on ?varnished wood looks a great idea! My husband does wood turning and is at this very moment preparing rounds of wood for making bowls and plates etc. All we would need is to have them a bit thinner- perhaps we should start a business! I have used Marion D as my user name (it was warren) so I hope I haven't confused everyone. Also, there is another Marion. Oh dear!

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