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Adult Or Child Initiated!

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Please can you explain to me what both of these phrases -Adult Initiated and Child Initiaited, mean? And what is the difference between them.


The EYFS states that children should receive a balance between these two and Adult Directed. Balance to me means equal. Is this right?




our working definitions are


Child initiated;

where the child makes choices from within the learning environment to meet his/her own outcomes for earning. Skilful adult interaction supports and extends the play to enable the child to make progress.


Adult initiated;

experiences where the practitioner provides the resources to stimulate and consolidate learning. These experiences may not always require the direct involvement of an adult.


Adult directed;

experiences which are planned and supported by practitioners and which aim to meet specific learning outcomes.


There is a nice glossary on the EYFS site that explains all the terminology used. I thought I may copy and paste some to leave around at my setting for staff that are training :oxD

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