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Poetry Ideas

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Hi there, I wonder if i could get some advice. I teach a mixed aged YR/ Y1 class and we are following the year one literacy planning as our objective. this week we will be covering poetry on a theme. We will be celebrating Diwali and bonfire night this week so thought it would be nice to learn and perform some group poems. Can i ask though at this stage in reception should the children just be listening to, performing and learning different rhymes??? The learning objective for year one is that they use a poetry frame as a basis for writing alternative versions. Does anyone have a simple model i could use or any ideas?? for some reason my brain has got stuck! Ive looked at the forum on bonfire night and there are lots of rhymes and songs we could learn but not many the children could use as a model to write their own version. Do you also think I should do a focused activity based on rhyme with the reception children!!!!!!!! Any advice would be needed,.. Im also panicking as we are expecting the dreaded ofsted phone call at any time and I just want to be sure Im doing it right! thanks :o


hi Lotte,

I think you need to differentiate that for reception although fireworks could be a powerful enough image to get some simple poetry written with the children as guided or shared work.

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