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Maths Observation - Please Help!

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I've got a Maths Observation on Tuesday and was hoping for a little help in thinking up fun ideas!! My objectives for the week are counting forwards and backwards to and from 10/20 and recognising numbers to 10/20. I teach reception but only have 5 children currently! Any ideas, particularly for differentiation and practical use of IWb etc. Thank you muchly in advance! x ps. It has taken me 15 mins to work out how to make a new post so please help me if I've posted this in the wrong place!!


Hi Nomie and welcome

Nothing wrong with your post or its location.

5 children!!!?

At the moment my mind has gone blank and I dont have an IWB so cant really help there except that there must be something online or a PC program/ game you could access to fulfil your objectives.

Good luck.


Yeah, only had 5 children start in Sept - and got 23 more starting after Christmas.... Totally makes sense?!?!


Hi....I can't help but am sure that someone who can will be along shortly..just wanted to welcome you! :o



I've got a Maths Observation on Tuesday and was hoping for a little help in thinking up fun ideas!! My objectives for the week are counting forwards and backwards to and from 10/20 and recognising numbers to 10/20. I teach reception but only have 5 children currently! Any ideas, particularly for differentiation and practical use of IWb etc. Thank you muchly in advance! x ps. It has taken me 15 mins to work out how to make a new post so please help me if I've posted this in the wrong place!!

Hi Nomie

How about Pick up the post? You will need a giant number line from 1 to 20(easily made). Label 20 envelopes 1 to 20. place the envelopes in boxes. the children then have to deliver the mail and tell each other the numbers. You could pplay music and when the musi stops they have to deliver hteir letter? For counting they could jump on the number line etc. Hope it helps

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