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Foundation Stage - Ability Groups (3-5yrs) Is It Possible?


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Although I've been a member for some time through my LA, I've never posted a message so hope this goes ok!


I'm FS manager in a primary school. Recently had OFSTED which judged us as 'good'(phew!)

However, I have a vision to take my FS further but can't get my head around how to do it.


I want mixed age ability groups in my FS to cater for each individual learning need regardless of whether the child is Nursery or Reception age.


Problem is we have a part time Nursery. How can we organise and plan for this? What we deliver to one set of chn in the morning. Obviously can't repeat it to YR chn in the afternoon. Do we have lit focus in morn and num in the afternoon and then swap over next day. But over a week they don't get the same amount. How can we incorporate other areas of learning? HELP! Keep talking myself round in circles.


Hope this makes sense to somebody. I would be grateful for any advice, even if its 'don't bother'!!


Becky Langley

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Hi Becky and welcome. Its a bit addictive once you make your first post!!!


I understand what you are trying to do and it should be possible. Marion has a lot of expertise with a unit so she may be able to give you some help.


I think in your situation I would be tempted to think in larger chunks than a week, perhaps 2 and alternate literacy and numeracy daily or even a week of each to keep up more of a flow? I do think that you probably need a daily phonics session with your reception year children though and maybe some other skills need to be more specifically addressed for them but I guess that will depend on what you decide exactly. If you have a balance of the other areas you should be ok--thats certainly how I approach my reception planning.


Hope you get sorted. Let us know how you get on.

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Hi Becky L and welcome from me too. Am sorry i'm not able input on your question as I havent't the experience but just wanted to say hello. It took me ages to make my first post and I was quaking in my shoes... I have received so much help from this wonderful forum. luluj

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Hi Becky and welcome to the forum.

The way we worked was that we had literacy every morning and numeracy every afternoon for a week then the following week we had numeracy in the morning literacy in the afternoon. We also try to plan activities that cover more than one curriculum area whenever possible as it is very easy to let literacy and numeracy push other subjects into the background.

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Many Thanks for your help and support.


I feel the 'fog' is starting to lift!


We are starting ability group phonic sessions next week, so hopefully we are on our way.


Please let me know if anyone else has some planning/organisation suggestions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Becky,

i'm in the same boat as you at the moment. I've been put in charge of organising a Foundation stage Unit, which is currently a separate nursery am and pm and reception class. We are hoping to have 10 minute phonics sessions both morning and afternoon and also for maths. that way the children repeating will only have 20 mins a day in total of lit and num. Haven't put it into practice yet though, its just in the earliest of planning stages. if anyone has any ideas of pros and cons though, that'd be helpful xx p.s never done this before either till now!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Becky,

I'm also a new member . I am Co-ordinator of a large Foundation Stage Unit in North Yorkshire. The Unit has been running for three years and it has been a worthwhile journey! We have 60 FS2 children and 39 FS1 children am and 39 FS1 children pm!! 3 Teachers and 4 Nursery Nurses and 1 TA who supports when it's PPA and my AST (Advanced Skills Teacher)day.

We have a 3 weekly rolling programme of activities in the Numeracy Room, CLL room and Creative Room. Children are independent learners and the staff interact where they need toThe theme for each term is additional especially in the themed role play area and in Creative. The outdoor area mirrors the inside. The children start off in thair own base and when the music stops they freeflow indoors and out. The FS2 children have 2 x10 minute focus sessions per day when the llittle ones go home and at the beginning of the afternoon session. (At the end was a no go as they were tired)

These are numeracy and Literacy/phonics based. All our equipment is put into boxes with differenciated learning objectives in each one. At the end of the week one room of activities are changed so that there is something different for the children on Mondays. As things are coming out on a regular basis we ensure that all the curriculum is covered.

I am looking for a new format for medium term plan so if anyone out there has a good format that they are willing to share or point me in the right direction I would be most grateful!!

Have a great Christmas everyone!


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