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Inclusion Policy

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Hi Serena,


Inclusion is sort of covered in my Equal Ops policy and Curriculum policy but not in any great depth so probably won't be of any use to you. However, you might find this site includes what you are looking for. :o

Does anyone have a policy on "Inclusion"


Hi, I work as an Inclusion officer. Alhtough most aspects of Inclusion are covered in your equality and diversity and SEN policy, i always advise settings to have a seperate Inclusion policy. I personally feel that the way in which your setting is Inlcusive needs to stand out in your set of policies. I have an example Inclusion policy which i will find and post.

I don't know if you have seen the book 'A practical guide to pre-school Inlcusion, but this has a really good example.


I hope this helps


Hello westie, welcome to the forum and thank you for your 1st post, I am sure your example will be very useful so if you've found your way around the forum could you put an attachment into the resource library, thanks.


I'd just like to add that 'Inclusion' means adults as well as children so consideration of how we use different communication methods with parents / staff / others, would be an example of this.




Hi, I have been unable to attach just the Inlcusion policy, therefore i have attached a selection of Inclusion resources; within which you will find an example Inlcusion policy

I hope it is of use


p.s i will try to add to the resource library

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