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Do people do phonics daily and another Cll session or does phonics and sharing stories make up most of you Cll?


just wondering




Hi teacherinpink

sorry to see youve had no answers here. Im not in a job at the moment but when I am I try to offer a daily phonics session and some reading and writing on a weekly basis, it really depends on the time of the year and offer CLL based activities throughout the day/week. If your children are part time, as mine usually are it is very difficult to fit everything in every day and you need to balance your provision across the week.


thanks Susan, this is what i try to do-but no matter how hard i try it is difficult to take off my National Curriclum head!!!!



we do phonics every day for 20 mins as we follow the RML scheme, then we tend to do specific CLL adult guided activities 2 mornings a week other CLL elements come into play every day through child initiated play e.g. role play, story re-tells with puppets and puppet theatre, listening centre etc.

Hope this helps!

Catherine x



We do Read, Write for 15/20 minutes daily that is our synthetic phonics work. We then follow the sound sheet that goes with the RW inc.


We then have 2 days of cll where we do focused cll stuff/teacher directed activity.


Other cll opp are covered and planned for through each of the areas in the classroom.


In addition we do storytime every day - discuss stories.


Hope this helps.


Do people do phonics daily and another Cll session or does phonics and sharing stories make up most of you Cll?


just wondering




Hi teacherinpink!


I do about 10-15 minutes whole class phonics (revise, teach n then practise), then let them choose from the 10 areas. They then do a guided read (where they apply blending/segmenting skills) then choose. This is followed by another phonic session to apply their skills using wipeboards, magnetic letters or wipe pens etc and then they choose again. I lead either the guided read or phonics and my TA leads the other. Ive got a small class of 3 groups so it's easy to manage. The guided read and phonic sessions are very short.


I've started doing my 'big book' in the afternoon when i'm focussing on topic work. i find that this is working well. I tried doing the guided read in the afternoon but found it didnt work as well. My TA works mornings only. Don't know what other people think about this. I'm new to reception...

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