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Having spent the whole of last year struggling to reference any of my sources properly, I have decided to take action! I have made a referencing chart to help me keep track of quotes and where they came from. I am going to have a different sheet for each module so I don't get confused with what goes where and I am going to fill a sheet in on my computer in case anything happens to the hard copy!


I thought it might be useful for others out there who have struggled with referencing in the past and for those who are just embarking on their degrees. I initially included a section to write the proper reference in, but because I am sharing it on here and we might have different referencing requirements I took it out again. If it doesn't work, you can always adapt it.


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Good idea, Im many years into my degree and find the referencese the most frustration part, It is good idea at start of course, when you not feeling too snowed under to type out references of chapters/books and keep them in word document.


I find by the time ive finished an essay, I dont have the brain capacity to think how to set them up, so simply cutting and pasting does the trick.

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I'm about to start E123 and was already worrying about this - so thank you Clare, your work will make it much easier to keep control of what I'm putting where!


Sarahx :o

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