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I am putting together a 4 week MTP for my DPP assignment. How much detail should I be putting into it? My tutor told us to list an activity for each area PSED, KUW etc for each week but I feel this is a bit restricting and I have been putting together another one which outlines learning intentions linked to stepping stones for each area for the 4 week period - I feel that this is a better way to cover the areas rather than trotting out the same adult led activity for a week.

Does MTP have to be specific about activities? I thought that it was just a guide around which you include the individual needs and interests of the children and the weekly plan went into more detail.

I'm new to all this planning so any advice would be welcome as I'm now totally confused. I want to get it right for my assignment of course but I also want to get it right for the children I may one day be planning for (if I ever find a job).




hi Sally,


MTPs have been discussed on many occasions - try a forum search (button ot top RH side as you look at screen) and you should get loads of help and ideas.





Thanks, I didn't think to search forums. I'm not usually this dense, honest.



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