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Medium Term Planning

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Hi everyone.


Can any of you guys share an example of a medium term planning sheet with me-blank if possible- or direct me to examples given previously on the forum?


I am new to planning for reception. The present teacher uses the Norfolk plans but I have been asked by the Head not to as she has only ever used this for the last 5 years and we are starting afresh.


I just have a mental block about where to start-too used to NLS and NNS and QCA!!


Many thanks in advance.


Moisy xx


Thanks Marion


This is the plan I have been asked not to use. My Head is fed up with highlighted statements with a list of activities and wants to see planning created for the needs of the children in my particular class and not generalised.


It means more work for me but we have had such poor development of skills these last 2 years in EY and KS1 that he is completely shaking up the whole school-which is why I am going from Yr 6 to Reception!


Moisy xx


Thanks again Marion


I think you are right about the medium term plans-I think it is the old accountability story. They get seen by Head and core curriculum leaders then get stuck in a file for future reference!!


What I am really looking for is a blank format for me to plan my half termly topic showing all 6 areas and phonics and language and numeracy focus with additional space for independent activities. Is that what everyone else does?


As I have said in other posts, I am getting no advice or help from present Reception teacher and her TA has now started supporting her because she has found out that she will not be working with me-so I am working a bit blind setting up and planning for September.


Thanks for the link to the article-this makes very interesting reading.


Moisy xx


This is what I use as medium term planning. However I use it along with ongoing assessment of ind needs. It is a means, a vehicle to support children's learning and it gets changed if needed. The weekly and daily planning often gets changed or differentiated according to children's specific needs. I need this to support transition to K.S.1 as my F2 children spend the morning with me and the afternoon with K.S.1




Actually feel quite proud of that -first time I've attached anything!!!


Many thanks Marion and Lynh56


This is great.


Well done Lynh56-I haven't to attach anything yet!!


Thanks again


Moisy xx


I do mine as a pacer - the main things I'm likely to be doing within a week. I have an over-arching theme for a term which is then split up into weeks. I start from a book and work down if that makes sense. Some things are ongoing through the term so I just put in arrows to show that those things are running throughout the term. critical_path_example.doc


Thanks again lynh56 and Moose.


Your plans have been really useful and given me lots to think about.


Moisy xx

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