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Non Topic Based Planning


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As the EYFS seems to be advocating this I having been looking at some threads on it and Nottingham seems to be at the forefront of planning this way. I was wondering if anyone in Nottingham had any information about this. Thanks

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Umm - sorry to state the obvious, but have you looked at the article 'Motivational planning' in the Member's articles section? Find it here


Otherwise, I'm not really sure what you want to know??



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yep have read the article, I'm not really sure what I want to know either. Had just seen some mentions of Nottingham having a document or something about non topic based planning and wondered how to access it.

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Better late than never, sunbeam!


I can't track down a document specifically on this subject. My contact feels that the nearest is the skills based planning that we based our changes on. This is not available on the internet as it is felt that wothout the proper training it could be counter-productive.


Sorry to disappoint.



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