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Enabling and using push notifications on the new iOS app

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It is possible to receive push notifications on a specific device when you enable them on your Tapestry app. 

For a user to start receiving these type of notifications there is a two-step enabling process. Firstly, a manager needs to permit this within the account user permissions and secondly, an individual user has to allow this from their device. 

The reason behind this two-step process is that push notifications involve sending personal information via Apple’s servers, which may be outside the EU and this information might be displayed on a device’s lock screen. Therefore, depending on the data protection policy for your setting, you may not want to permit this or only permit it for some users.

After taking this into consideration, a manager can now enable this for the whole account or for individual users and users can then turn it on for their device.

If you have already given permission on the browser, you can skip to the section on enabling push notifications on the app by clicking here.

So firstly, as a manager you will need to go to the Control Panel (1) -> User Permissions (2) and then select either the Staff or Relatives tab (3), depending on who they want to enable it for.




You'll then need to scroll down to the 'Notifications' section. You'll need to ensure that 'Receive Notifications' (1) is set to permitted for all users or the user you want to enable push notifications for. If it's not, you just need to click on the 'Edit' button (2) to permit this. 

By default you'll see the option for 'Allow Push Notifications' (3) is set to not permitted, to change this you just need to click on the 'Edit' button (3). You then have the additional option of allowing names to be included in these notifications if each staff member and/or relative chooses (4).  




Once you click on the 'Edit' button, you can then either change the default permission for all this user type to permitted (1) or if you want to choose for each user whether it's permitted or not, you'll need to select the 'Set different permissions for some users' box (2). You then have the choice of whether you want to show users that aren't active (3). 

To set a different permission for an individual user, you just need to select that option next to their name (4). Once you're done, you just need to click on 'Save' (5). 




Now that this step has been completed, a user will then need to login to the app from the device they want to enable notifications for. Once logged in, you will need to click where it says 'You' in the top left-hand corner. 



On the next screen, you'll need to select the option 'Enable Push Notifications On This Device'. 




Here you just need to slide the toggle for 'Permission from You' (1) across so it shows as green. You will also need to ensure the app has permission from the device settings to receive notifications, below we can see this is already set (2) but if it's not you just need to slide the toggle and this will take you to your device settings where you can change this. Your final option (3) is to choose whether you'd like notifications to include names in them.  




After you have slide the toggle for 'Permission from You' across, it will appear as green, as shown below.


image2 (1).png


To receive push notifications for specific things e.g. new observations, you will need to have your notification preference for this option set to receive immediate email notifications. If your notification preference is set to internal, you won't receive push notifications for that option.

You can check how you have your notification preferences set up from the 'You' page by selecting 'What we notify you about'. 




Here you can see that I have it set it up so for new observations I get an immediate email (1), which will mean I will receive push notifications for these. For observation replies (2) I have this set to internal, which means no emails will be sent out, therefore I won't get any push notifications about this. 




This is what it will look like when you receive a push notification. 



Once you go into your account, if you have any notifications you will see a red dot appear on the bell icon (1) by your setting's name at the top of the screen. You just need to click on there to then see your notifications.




A new popup modal will open, listing all the notifications for your account (2) showing the most recent ones at the top. 




It is important to note that there are a few scenarios where you will not receive a push notification, these are:

  1. If someone else logs in to the Tapestry app on the device you have set up to receive push notifications on. If this happens, you just need to log back in to your account to receive them again. 
  2. If you don't use the app for a long time. How long this is for is under Apple's control, and unfortunately they don't currently specify how long this is. To rectify this situation, again you just need to log back in to your account. 

In either case, you will get a notification email if a push notification can't be sent. 


 If you have any questions or feedback about the new iOS app, please contact us by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info.


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