EmilyTapestrySupport Posted April 25, 2019 Posted April 25, 2019 The Developmental Milestones Progress Tracker screens on Tapestry will allow you to set a target refinement and they will then show you whether a child has reached that target for each milestone. You can see these either individually or as a group. We'll cover both screens in this tutorial. To access these screens, you just need to click on the 'Tracking' tab at the top of the screen (1), then select 'DM' from the bar underneath this (2). In the 'Progress Tracker' section you can then select either the 'Individual View' or 'Group View' option (3). I'm going to start by looking at the Individual View. To skip to the section on the group view click here. Individual View On the Individual View screen you will firstly need to select a period of time (1) and a child you want to see the data for (2). Next you will need to set your refinement target of either 'sometimes' or 'yes' (3). Don't worry if you want to change this later, as you can change it any point. You'll then need to select an age range to focus on (4) and you can also narrow this down by developmental area (5). Finally, you can decide whether you want to include milestones that have been marked as 'not applicable' (6). After selecting the above criteria, you'll then be presented with a chart which will show you whether a child has met the target you have set or not. A target is considered as 'met' if the refinement is the same or higher than the target. If the refinement the child is currently at is lower than the target or if they have not been observed than they will show as not having met the target. In the chart you can then see at the top the age range and target you have selected as well as the percentage of the total number of milestones that have been met (1). Underneath, you can see the chart broken down by each developmental area, depending on whether you have filtered to only see a specific area. By each area you can see the percentage of milestones that have been met for this area (2). You can then see the milestones within each area listed (3) and to the right of each milestone you can see whether the target has been met (4) or is above (5) or below (6) the target. If you have selected to include milestones that have been assessed as 'not applicable' these will show up as yellow (7) Each milestone in the chart will be colour coded to show whether the target has been met or not. At the top you can see a key showing you which each colour refers to (8). Now we can move on to the Group View screen. Group View If you already on the Individual View screen, you can access this just by clicking on the 'Group' tab at the top of the page. Here you will also need to select a period of time (1), a target (2) and what age range you want to focus on (3). You can further narrow this down by developmental area too (4). You can use the 'Children' filters to select whether you want to view the data for a specific group of children (5), otherwise this will be for all children. Then in the chart you can see each area (1) and the milestones listed underneath. The first column in the chart will show you the percentage of children that have met all targets and the percentage of children that have met the target for each individual milestone (2). For each child you can see the percentage of all milestones they have met the target for (3) and the percentage of milestones within each area they have met the target for (4). Within the chart you can see whether a child has met the target for each individual milestone (5). A tick represents that they have either met or they are above their target and a cross represents that they either haven't been observed for that milestones or they haven't met the target for it. This will be colour coded to show you whether they are at, above or below the target. The key at the top will show you what each colour refers to (6). Both screens can be exported as a CSV file or as a PDF, you can use the buttons in the right-hand corner to do this (7). Go back to Main Tutorials Page
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