May Newsletter
Hello everyone.
Tapestry Webinar
This month, Ben and Stephen from our Education Team hosted a webinar entitled “Tapestry and the New EYFS Framework”. The Webinar had over 3,000 attendees and we are happy to announce the full video is now available on our YouTube channel for you to watch whenever you need!
This webinar is a great place to start if you are thinking about what the changes to the EYFS could look like in your setting, as well as finding out more about how Tapestry is adapting to support you. We covered the main changes to the framework, enabling and using the new ‘Flags’ system, monitoring, and SEND provision.
Also, if you want to grab the slides used in the webinar (among other helpful resources on the same topic) just go here and you can download them.
Tapestry Education Conference (TEC) – Save the date
We are planning another free, online Tapestry Education Conference: Reflecting on Parental Engagement.
The TEC will be on 24th June, 4-6pm. Keep an eye on our socials for updates on our speakers and the main themes for the event.
Child Statuses
Our Customer Service team have had a lot of questions recently about the different child statuses on Tapestry and what they mean. As a result, Emily has written this handy guide which breaks down each of the 4 statuses and how they are different.
If you don’t have time to give the whole guide a look, I think it’s worth knowing a bit about our newest child status - “Enrolling”:
This was designed for when you want to add a new cohort of children at the end of the academic year before your current children have left. You can't use the full functionality of Tapestry with children that are enrolling. You can only:
1. Attach them to relatives.
2. Assign them to staff as key children.
3. Add them to groups.
4. Complete their All About Me.
5. Print name labels for them.
It's only possible to add the same number of enrolling children as you have active child spaces, so if you have an up to 60 child package, you could add up to 60 children as enrolling. Once you make an enrolling child active, it's not possible to change them back to enrolling.
Articles This May
Have you ever visited the articles section on our website? If not, I thoroughly recommend it. We publish new articles every month on a wide range of education topics. This month we have one that focusses on books and story-time by Emma Davis. Another by our resident SEND advisor, Stephen Kilgour, on how you can use the new Areas of Concern Screen in partnership with the Cherry Garden Framework. And lastly, a Q&A with the UK Ambassador for Happiness, Action Jackson
Feature Focus: You can use the Forum!
If you enjoy the articles and resources on our Tapestry site, then why not take a look at the Foundation Stage Forum (FSF)? We also publish new articles there every month, too.
You don’t need an account to read those articles. But the forum is also a lively, friendly place for discussion and reflection with fellow educators. So if you want to join in on any of those conversations, or perhaps start some new ones, you can sign into the forum using your Tapestry login details. It’s a simple process but we also have this tutorial showing you the steps if needed.
The Tapestry Survey
If you would like to respond to our recent survey you still have time – it will close on 31st May.
The focus is on engaging with parents and carers. It explores how settings and schools connect with families, and support parents and carers who face barriers to engagement.
Responses are anonymous and we’ll share a summary of the results on the Tapestry and Foundation Stage Forum websites.
The results will be used to inform our article themes and to support our public relations and marketing, as well as to inform the way we develop Tapestry and the Foundation Stage Forum. We would love to hear your views.
You’ll also have the chance to win £25 of M&S vouchers. We will announce the prize draw on Monday 7th June.
To take part in the 3-minute survey please follow this link.
If you responded to the survey early on and weren’t able to leave your email address (for the purposes of the prize draw) then please contact with the subject ‘Survey: Newsletter’ and we’ll be sure to include you in the draw. Thank you and sorry about that!
That’s it for this month’s newsletter. As always, if you have any questions, you can reach us on
Take care,