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Tapestry Newsletter August 2024


Hello and welcome to our August newsletter

If you’re considering using Tapestry Online Learning Journal but aren’t yet a customer, take a look at how it can help you transform learning outcomes for children in EYFS right through to Year 6 - click a link below:

If you’re already a customer, read on for our latest news and updates, including:

  • New Articles and Guides
  • Rosie’s Final Video
  • Body Maps on iOS
  • Register CSV Exports
  • The Inclusive Early Years Educator: A Reflective Toolkit 

We hope you enjoy catching up on our news, and we always welcome your feedback.

Best wishes,

The Tapestry Team


New Articles and Guides

We have a new article and new Beginner’s Guide for you this month.

This article, collaboratively authored by Tîm Dysgu Creadigol Cymru/Creative Learning Cymru Team, explores how creativity is woven into all aspects of the Welsh Curriculum from the early years onwards.

And the The Beginner’s Guide to Linguistic Justice, written by Warda Farah and Dr Vishnu Nair, aims to support educators in having necessary conversations about linguistic justice.


Rosie’s Final Video

It’s the end of an era! We’ve followed Rosie’s development since her very first week and this month she’s turning 3. We’ve all learnt so much from watching Rosie grow up and we hope the series has provided you with some valuable insights into child development. This will be the final instalment of this video series as Rosie has a very important job coming up…


Body Maps on iOS

We are happy to announce that the ability add body maps to your accident forms is now possible on the iOS app, as well as Android and the browser version.

To add a body map, just click the “Add Body Map” button when creating an accident, circle the affected area and “save”.


Register CSV Exports

We’ve recently added the option for you to export your online children and staff register data as a CSV file. You can access the exports from Bookings > Exports


And finally…

A reminder that the new book The Inclusive Early Years Educator: A Reflective Toolkit, written by Early Years Inclusion Officer at Doncaster Council, Ann Lowe, and Tapestry’s SEND Advisor Stephen Kilgour, is out now! The book supports us to consider areas where our provision needs adjustment in order to be truly inclusive, and encourages us to change our mindset when it comes to children with learning differences and disabilities. You can order the book here.