In Part Three of this series of articles on Observations, Dr Helen Edwards offers open ended questions that can support your narrative observations in the Specific Areas of Learning.
Helen explores the way journaling can enhance feelings of gratitude and wellbeing in children, as well as develop their language and creative writing skills.
In Part Two of this series of articles on Observations, Dr Helen Edwards offers open ended questions that can support your narrative observations in the Prime Areas of Learning.
In Part One of this series of articles on Observations, Dr Helen Edwards brings together some of the research on the why and how of making observations, and explores an opportunity for a change in the way we document and record children's learning, putting quality observation at the centre.
Behaviour and attitudes are given their own judgement in the new inspection framework, showing an increased focus on this aspect of early years provision.
A well-planned EYFS curriculum, with stimulating content increasing in complexity and challenge, is required. What does this mean for the inspection day?
Partnerships with parents remains high on the agenda for inspections.
100 Ofsted reports studied, and we can clearly see that high on the inspection agenda is supporting professional development and making sure your staff's well-being is a priority.
Having studied 100 Ofsted reports under the new inspection framework, a number of key points are emerging. Our series of 5 articles cover what you need to know.
Aiming for outstanding? Here are the recommendations from over 100 Ofsted reports to help you on the way!
Summarising the revised inspection framework documents, we include reflective questions and some useful proformas for you to use in evaluating your provision in the light of the new framework.
Helen Edwards attended the recent govnet event, featuring Sarah Teather, Liz Bayram, Ann Gross, Sue Robb, Liz Elsom, Cathy Nutbrown, and Dame Clare Tickell. Here is a summary of the main issues discussed.
What do we mean by "good behaviour"? We are often quite clear about the behaviour that we don't want to see in our settings! Can we be proactive about this and plan consistent positive behaviour strategies where all children feel happy and secure and want to demonstrate that "good behaviour", however we define it?
Getting through interviews successfully is all about preparation. This article guides the interviewee through the process, recommending strategies for impressing your interviewer.
The perceived need to demonstrate children's development in the Early Years can put pressure on practitioners to move to formal methods of education too quickly. This article explains how learning can be achieved and recorded instead through practical activities.
An overview of the things to be considered when undertaking a risk assessment. Accompanied by two editable forms, one for recording an initial safety inspection and the second a basic form to record the risk assessment
Having studied over 100 Ofsted reports from the last three months, we can see certain recurrent themes. In a series of four articles we outline those issues that have appeared frequently and our first article looks at recommendations and descriptions of good practice within the EYFS theme of
In our second of four articles looking at recent Ofsted reports, we outline those issues that have appeared frequently over the last three months. Here we examine the recommendations and descriptions of good practice within the EYFS theme of Positive Relationships.
A candidate describes the process to EYPS via the validation route.
Part 2: The group task and interview.