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Articles Teaching and Learning

Cross-phase articles about teaching and learning

106 articles in this category

    You could be forgiven for thinking that outdoor play is a relatively new phenomenon, driven by The National Trust (2016) and their ‘50 Things to do before you’re 11¾’ project.  Children and being outside seems to be a recurrent theme in the media a…
    This article is about young children playing with digital technologies at home and in their educational settings. It draws on a series of research studies conducted at the University of Stirling over a period of 10 years with my colleagues Professo…
    This article is the first in a series looking at Reflection and its role in Early Years Practice. In this paper we focus on the theory of reflection, what the potential benefits may be and what it requires of practitioners.  This series of art…
    This article is the second in the series looking at Reflection and its role in Early Years Practice. Reflection is a cyclical process. It isn’t something we ‘finish', we will always be seeking new information and new perspectives about some part o…
    Evidence suggests that young children are not moving nearly as much as we fondly imagine – and certainly not to a degree that would properly support their overall development, health and wellbeing
    Isaacs had a passionate belief in the place of nursery education in society. She felt that attending a nursery school should be a natural part of a child’s early life: the early years setting was a place that should both mirror the family through l…