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Articles Observation Hub

10 articles in this category

    What is well-being and what does it look like? The Foundation Stage Forum has been working with national trauma, wellness and resilience expert Jane Evans to work out what exactly the Early Years Foundation Stage asks us to do.
    Ben gets us thinking about what we are observing and who we are observing for. 
    In Part One of this series of articles on Observations, Dr Helen Edwards brings together some of the research on the why and how of making observations, and explores an opportunity for a change in the way we document and record children's learning,…
    In Part Two of this series of articles on Observations, Dr Helen Edwards offers open ended questions that can support your narrative observations in the Prime Areas of Learning.   
    In Part Three of this series of articles on Observations, Dr Helen Edwards offers open ended questions that can support your narrative observations in the Specific Areas of Learning.   
    It would seem that many years after the first publication of a statutory EYFS Framework, we are still grappling with one key question: how much paperwork is actually enough?
    As a student getting to grips with the world of early years, the word ‘observation’ filled me with fear and trepidation.  I knew it was important but what exactly, was it that I was being asked to do? I didn’t walk around with my eyes shut so why wer…
    In this article we look in detail at two observations and explain, in depth, how we assess and allocate refinements to what we are seeing.  From the article, you will learn how we, at Tapestry, use information gathered from observations, in conjunc…
    In this article we look in detail at two observations and explain, in depth, how we assess and allocate refinements to what we are seeing.  From the article, you will learn how you can use information gathered from observations, in conjunction with t…
    Elizabeth Jarman shares some Frequently Asked Questions and her responses to them in this piece to get you reflecting on your learning environment and how it can shape the experiences of the children in your setting.