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Articles Leadership and Management

EYFS Leadership and Management articles

67 articles in this category

    Running or owning a business involves taking responsibility for the staff who work for you - this article describes ways to mitigate the risks associated with this.
    The final part of our series on recent Ofsted reports. In this article we look at inspectors' recommendations and judgements around the EYFS theme of Learning and Development.
    Joint observations have now become a must under OfSTED’s early years inspection framework. Inspectors have found that evidence gained through the joint observations with senior staff is proving to be extremely valuable and has provided them with an …
    Since the Early Years Professional Status was established in 2007 it has undergone a number of transformations. Some of them have been quite minor, such as the number of tasks you have to perform all whether you could have witness statements or not,…
    Ofsted published their first report on the early years sector in April 2014. This year’s report, published in July 2015, includes some very interesting statistics and discusses issues highly relevant to all providers. If you don’t have time to read t…
    “Safeguarding is effective” In terms of your Ofsted report this is the phrase you need to have. Without it, however good your learning and development is, your setting will be judged at best ‘Requires Improvement’
    These are the safeguarding documents referred to in the new safeguarding articles.
      As manager you will most likely be the lead practitioner for Safeguarding’ however, it does not have to be you.    
    In this series of articles, we have so far looked at making sure that your premises are safe for children to use and we have considered the steps you should take to help you ensure that all of your staff are suitable to work with children.
    "Childcare is at the centre of political debate" Jenny Chapman MP shadow childcare minister   ... and quite rightly so say FSF     The 30 hours funding is a hot potato at the moment and Victoria Derbyshire discussed it at length on her BBC2 programm…
    Aiming for outstanding? Here are the recommendations from over 100 Ofsted reports to help you on the way!
    Part 1 in a series of articles detailing the inspection process as it is 'in real life'. We have input from current inspectors as well as from recently inspected practitioners and managers. We debunk some myths and put the facts out there for you to …
    This is the second part of our conversation with inspectors. In this part, Justine explains to us how she begins her inspections. She tells us about she uses observations and documents provided by the setting to secure her inspection judgements.
    In this article Rebecca talks to Justine about the 'joint observation' and the 'leadership and management' aspects of the inspection.
    NDNA conference Last week FSF HQ headed up the M1 to attend the NDNA conference in Milton Keynes. We attended a range of talks in the Leadership stream – here are the headlines we picked out …
    These are my meeting notes from the NDNA South East regional meeting that I attended on 12th October. They are not official and I won’t have captured everything …but NDNA members can download all the slides and the official notes from the NDNA websi…
    We talk often in early years about developing practitioners’ observation skills. We are attuned to observing children to help us assess progress and plan further developments (Machan 2016). Working with the Development Matters guidance (2012) we can …