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Articles Leadership and Management

EYFS Leadership and Management articles

67 articles in this category

    The final part of our series on recent Ofsted reports. In this article we look at inspectors' recommendations and judgements around the EYFS theme of Learning and Development.
    100 Ofsted reports studied, and we can clearly see that high on the inspection agenda is supporting professional development and making sure your staff's well-being is a priority. 
    Partnerships with parents remains high on the agenda for inspections.
    A well-planned EYFS curriculum, with stimulating content increasing in complexity and challenge, is required. What does this mean for the inspection day?
    Behaviour and attitudes are given their own judgement in the new inspection framework, showing an increased focus on this aspect of early years provision.
    Caroline Vollan's reconnects with Sue Egersdorff and Liz Ludden, a year after writing about their intergenerational nursery in the Northwest. 
    Peer observation can be such a useful tool in developing the skills of all members of staff, and if introduced correctly, can be instrumental in building a supportive practitioner learning community, striving to improve provision.
    In our second of four articles looking at recent Ofsted reports, we outline those issues that have appeared frequently over the last three months. Here we examine the recommendations and descriptions of good practice within the EYFS theme of Positiv…
    No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. You must do the things you think you cannot do. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt 1884 -1962
    Ofsted published their first report on the early years sector in April 2014. This year’s report, published in July 2015, includes some very interesting statistics and discusses issues highly relevant to all providers. If you don’t have time to read t…
    Ruksana Mohammed outlines an effective framework of support to EYPS candidates through the work-based mentor. Her suggestions, however, would be of great use to anyone supporting students on a variety of courses, for example Foundation Degrees, and t…
    Ruksana Mohammed, EYPS programme leader and lecturer in Early Childhood Studies at the University of East London, outlines the qualities and methods of a successful agent for change. EYPs are entrusted to identify what change is valuable, worthwhile …
    Summarising the revised inspection framework documents, we include reflective questions and some useful proformas for you to use in evaluating your provision in the light of the new framework.
    Carol Aubrey, Professor at the Institute of Education, University of Warwick, describes the outcomes of a project with early years leaders, including a discussion on the various styles of leadership they exhibit and suggestions on how best to support…
    Inclusion, equality, diversity - these words are scattered over official documents including the EYFS, and we all think they are ‘A Good Thing'. But how do these principles get turned into what actually happens in settings? Sue Griffin discusses the …
    Having studied over 100 Ofsted reports from the last three months, we can see certain recurrent themes. In a series of four articles we outline those issues that have appeared frequently and our first article looks at recommendations and description…
    “Safeguarding is effective” In terms of your Ofsted report this is the phrase you need to have. Without it, however good your learning and development is, your setting will be judged at best ‘Requires Improvement’
    A candidate describes the process to EYPS via the validation route.
    Part 2: The group task and interview.
    Part 3: The Gateway Review
    Part 4: The written tasks
    Part 5: The setting visit
    Running or owning a business involves taking responsibility for the staff who work for you - this article describes ways to mitigate the risks associated with this.
    In our third of four articles looking at recent Ofsted reports, we outline those issues that have appeared frequently over the last three months. Here we examine the recommendations and descriptions of good practice within the EYFS theme of Enabling…
      As manager you will most likely be the lead practitioner for Safeguarding’ however, it does not have to be you.