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The Foundation Stage Forum Community

Welcome to the FSF – a community for early years professionals. Engage in conversations, offer and receive advice and support, make connections. Discover our library of education articles and podcast episodes to enhance your reflective practice. Working together to achieve high-quality early childhood education.
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Early years educator and technology enthusiast, Richard Waite, takes a closer look at how we are preparing children in the early years for a future of rapidly changing technologies, including AI. 
Ben and Jules chatted with Hannah Clifford, founder of Seren Kids, which provides children and adults with digital skills and e-safety knowledge. Hannah shares ideas about how to talk with children about e-safety, how to teach children to have a crea…
Sarah Sudea asks Where's the wriggle room? in this article taking a closer look at the ways in which a more flexible approach to schooling can work for children, families, and schools.


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    2025.04.25 - Year 6: Writing - Standardisation and Moderation - Southampton

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    Sick pay

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    Sick pay

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    Does your setting use wet wipes?

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    2025 - March & May - Portage Workshop: A small step approach to learning for children with SEND - 2024 - Southampton

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    Level 2 practitioner - room lead?

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    Reception Teachers Needed for PhD Research!

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